1. Software Concept and Initiation Phase:
SQA should be involved in both writing and reviewing the Management Plan in order to assure that the processes, procedures, and standards identified in the plan areappropriate, clear, specific, and auditable. During thisphase, SQA also provides the QA section of the ManagementPlan.
2. Software Requirements Phase:
During the software requirements phase, SQA assures that software requirements are complete, testable, and properly expressed as functional, performance, and interface requirements.
3. Software Architectural (Preliminary) Design Phase:
SQA activities during the architectural (preliminary) design phase include:
Assuring adherence to approved design standards as designated in the Management Plan.
Assuring all software requirements are allocated to software components.
Assuring that a testing verification matrix exists and is kept up to date.
Assuring the Interface Control Documents are in agreement with the standard in form and content.
Reviewing PDR documentation and assuring that all action items are resolved.
Assuring the approved design is placed under configuration management.
4. Software Detailed Design Phase:
SQA activities during the detailed design phase include:
Assuring that approved design standards are followed.
Assuring that allocated modules are included in the detailed design.
Assuring that results of design inspections are included in the design.
Reviewing CDR documentation and assuring that all action items are resolved.
5. Software Implementation Phase:
SQA activities during the implementation phase include theaudit of:
Results of coding and design activities including the schedule contained in the Software Development Plan. Status of all deliverable items.
Configuration management activities and the software development library.
Nonconformance reporting and corrective action system.
6. Software Integration and Test Phase:
SQA activities during the integration and test phase include:
Assuring readiness for testing of all deliverable items.
Assuring that all tests are run according to test plans and procedures and that any nonconformances are reported and resolved.
Assuring that test reports are complete and correct.
Certifying that testing is complete and software and documentation are ready for delivery.
Participating in the Test Readiness Review and assuring all action items are completed.
7. Software Acceptance and Delivery Phase:
As a minimum, SQA activities during the software acceptance and delivery phase include assuring the performance of afinal configuration audit to demonstrate that alldeliverable items are ready for delivery.
8. Software Sustaining Engineering and Operations Phase:
During this phase, there will be mini-development cycles toenhance or correct the software.
During these development cycles, SQA conducts the appropriate phase-specific activities described above.