SQA assures that formal software testing, such as acceptance testing, is done in accordance with plans and procedures.SQA reviews testing documentation for completeness and adherence to standards. The documentation review includes test plans, test specifications, test procedures, and test reports. SQA monitors testing and provides follow-up on nonconformances. By test monitoring, SQA assures software completeness and readiness for delivery.
The objectives of SQA in monitoring formal software testingare to assure that:
The test procedures are testing the software requirements in accordance with test plans.
The test procedures are verifiable.
The correct or "advertised" version of the software is being tested (by SQA monitoring of the CM activity).
The test procedures are followed.
Nonconformances occurring during testing (that is, any incident not expected in the test procedures) are noted and recorded.
Test reports are accurate and complete.
Regression testing is conducted to assure nonconformances have been corrected.
Resolution of all nonconformances takes place prior to delivery.
Software testing verifies that the software meets itsrequirements. T
he quality of testing is assured by verifying that project requirements are satisfied and that the testing process is in accordance with the test plans and procedures.