Friday, October 19, 2007

Verification: Specific Practices by Goal SG1


Verification includes selection, inspection, testing, analyses etc and its methods include inspections, peer reviews, audits, walkthroughs, analyses, simulations etc. Select the work products based on meeting project objectives and requirements.

SG 1 Prepare for Verification
Up-front preparation is necessary to ensure that verification provisions are embedded in product and product-component requirements, designs, developmental plans, and schedules. Verification includes
selection, inspection, testing, analyses, and demonstration of work products.

Methods of verification include, but are not limited to, inspections, peer reviews, audits, walkthroughs, analyses, simulations, testing, and demonstrations.
Preparation also entails the definition of support tools, test equipment and software, simulations, prototypes, and facilities.

SP 1.1 Select Work Products for Verification
Select the work products to be verified and the verification methods that will be used for each.
Work products are selected based on their contribution to meeting project objectives and requirements, and to addressing project risks.
The work products to be verified may include those associated with maintenance, training, and support services. The work product requirements for verification are included with the verification methods.
The verification methods address the technical approach to work product verification and the specific approaches that will be used to verify that specific work products meet their requirements.
For Software Engineering
Examples of verification methods include the following:
· Path coverage testing
· Load, stress, and performance testing
· Decision-table-based testing
· Functional-decomposition-based testing
· Test-case reuse
· Acceptance tests
For Supplier Sourcing
Products supplied from outside of the project should be considered for verification.
Selection of the verification methods typically begins with involvement in the definition of product and product-component requirements to ensure that these requirements are verifiable. Re-verification should be
addressed by the verification methods to ensure that rework performed on work products did not cause unintended defects.

For Integrated Product and Process Development
The verification methods should be developed concurrently and iteratively with the product and product-component designs.

For Supplier Sourcing
Verification methods should be coordinated with suppliers to ensure applicability of the project’s methods to the supplier’s environment.

Typical Work Products
1. Lists of work products selected for verification

2. Verification methods for each selected work product

1. Identify work products for verification.
2. Identify the requirements to be satisfied by each selected work product.

3. Identify the verification methods that are available for use.
4. Define the verification methods to be used for each selected work product.

5. Submit for integration with the project plan the identification of work products to be verified, the requirements to be satisfied, and the methods to be used.

SP 1.2 Establish the Verification Environment
Establish and maintain the environment needed to support verification.
An environment must be established to enable verification to take place. The verification environment may be acquired, developed, reused, modified, or a combination of these, depending on the needs of the project.

For Supplier Sourcing
The verification criteria affecting a supplier should be shared with the supplier to reduce the probability that a work product will fail its verification.

Typical Work Products
1. Verification procedures
2. Verification criteria
1. Generate the set of comprehensive, integrated verification procedures for work products and any commercial off-the-shelf products, as necessary.
2. Develop and refine the verification criteria when necessary.
3. Identify the expected results, any tolerances allowed in observation, and other criteria for satisfying the requirements.
4. Identify any equipment and environmental components needed to support verification.