Provide Objective Insight
Noncompliance issues are objectively tracked and communicated, and resolution is ensured.
SP 2.1 Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues
Communicate quality issues and ensure resolution of noncompliance issues with the staff and managers.
Noncompliance issues are problems identified in evaluations that reflect a lack of adherence to applicable standards, process descriptions, or procedures. The status of noncompliance issues provides an indication
of quality trends. Quality issues include noncompliance issues and results of trend analysis.
When local resolution of noncompliance issues cannot be obtained, use established escalation mechanisms to ensure that the appropriate level of management can resolve the issue. Track noncompliance issues to
Typical Work Products
1. Corrective action reports
2. Evaluation reports
3. Quality trends
1. Resolve each noncompliance with the appropriate members of the staff where possible.
2. Document noncompliance issues when they cannot be resolved within the project.
Examples of ways to resolve noncompliance within the project include the following:
· Fixing the noncompliance
· Changing the process descriptions, standards, or procedures that were violated
· Obtaining a waiver to cover the noncompliance issue
3. Escalate noncompliance issues that cannot be resolved within the project to the appropriate level of management designated to receive and act on noncompliance issues.
4. Analyze the noncompliance issues to see if there are any quality trends that can be identified and addressed.
5. Ensure that relevant stakeholders are aware of the results of evaluations and the quality trends in a timely manner.
6. Periodically review open noncompliance issues and trends with the manager designated to receive and act on noncompliance issues.
7. Track noncompliance issues to resolution.
SP 2.2 Establish Records
Establish and maintain records of the quality assurance activities.
Typical Work Products
1. Evaluation logs
2. Quality assurance reports
3. Status reports of corrective actions
4. Reports of quality trends
1. Record process and product quality assurance activities in sufficient detail such that status and results are known.
2. Revise the status and history of the quality assurance activities as necessary.